
Re-tailor Yourself

A little late, but the idea behind this post is always relevant! During particular stressful or study-intensive times in my life (i.e. finals), I always like to plan one small outing to the mall or a few clothing boutiques. Retail therapy is actually a thing and for me it really helps. Being able to get out of the same old environment and distract myself with clothes that I may or may not be able to afford is a nice change. Sometimes we all need time away from our regular lives so take the time to try on a few dresses, shirts or whatever suits your fancy.

When shopping, even window shopping, I like to dress in simple clothes that are easy to take off in the dressing room and are versatile. For me this includes a dress (always a dress haha) and a pair of tights that can either act as pants (I know) if you want to try on a shirt or sweater. Simple shoes like flats or boots are great to wear when shopping too!

Outfit: Dress- Francesca’s, Jacket- Eddie Bauer, Fleece Tights- Hue

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